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Airpicture from the property (24.5.2001)

a view into the ashdome  (foto from Derk Bossel, June 2000)

The ashdome needs a lot of maintainance.
The branches had to be pruned and weaved a lot.

lattice in august 2001

a growing ladder (USA)

detail of the lattice


treemen.jpg (33172 Byte)

Four treefriends at the
"Needle and Thread Tree"
in California (USA):

Richard Reames

Howard Grund-Clampit

Konstantin Kirsch

Mark Primack

(from left to right)

The german master of treedome growing:

Arthur Wiechula
(1868 - 1941)

His famous book : Wachsende Häuser aus lebenden Bäumen entstehend (1926)